Monday, May 7, 2012

Kingdom Rush

Play Kingdom Rush on Kongregate

Kingdom Rush is an awesome little tower defense game just like any other. Full fledged strategy guide accompanied with videos for each map and each difficulty.

-Easy Badge-
Rushing It Badge
    All waves called early in a single mission

Can be won on the first mission. Just pay attention to the tutorial and watch for the little symbol that appears at the beginning of the map.

-Medium Badge-
Bucket of Bolts Badge
    Juggernaut Defeated

Upgrade towers and USE YOUR METEOR THINGY! God knows how much it would help.

-Hard Badge-

Linirea Defender Badge
    Vez'nan defeated

This badge was not all that difficult. Play the story on easy. Keep in mind that Vez'nan has two forms. Also; your infantry towers will still have men out if they become disabled. If you have archers, mages, or bombs, try to click on them first.

-Hard Badge-
Kingdom: Rushed Badge
    Complete all heroic and iron challenges in normal difficulty

Follow the videos and you'll be fine. Easy as cake.

Kingdom Rush Strategy Guide

If someone wants the actual videos posted on the site instead of tab hopping, let me know.


  1. This defend and strategy game is very addicting. I was stocked in level 9 where the giant enemy is just eating my soldiers. Thank you for sharing the strategy guide of this game, I think I can now past this level.

    Flash Game Developer

  2. egeti tbili sityvebit ver gatxovdebi :) :D
